
Archive for July 9, 2009

Do you know your internet meme?

July 9, 2009 Leave a comment


as a member of the internet community, you are expected to obey its rules,participate in its culture and be blinded by its sheer awesomeness.

If you are having trouble keeping up, then let us help you along… ü

Here are some samples to get you started.

Peanutbutter jelly timePeanutbutter jelly time


LeekspinLeekspin (Loituma Girl)

lol catslol cats

AwesomeAwesome (face)

Fat kidFat kid

MudkipzSo i herd u leik mudkipz


Angry babyAngry baby (click the pic to see more)


Pirates vs ninjasPirates vs ninjas

Long cat (picture too big, click the link)

LOL WUT? (picture too big, click the link)

Here are some guide videos to help in your quest in mastering the internet scene and be less awkward with all the chixilogs out there. ü

MORE UPDATES TO COME! so keep visiting. ü

Categories: Random funnies Tags: ,